Frequently Asked Questions

How does this work? 

Our acupressure beads, the Snoozy Z's, create a pressure point on your wrist that has been proven to aid in getting to sleep, particularly when the reason you are not sleeping is due to anxiety or stress. When applied just before bedtime and left on for the night, this pressure point can bring about sleep and help you to stay asleep. Don't worry - not for days on end, just until your body is rested or your alarm clock goes off

What is the TLC?

One thing I noticed about getting a baby to sleep is the importance of routine. So why not apply that theory to adults? It also gives us an excuse to take a small bit of time out of our day to take care of ourselves. The T, is Valerian root tea, a natural sleep inducing root and a comforting warm drink. The L is our trusty lavender essential oil mixed with desiccated coconut oil so it can be applied directly to the skin with the little roller ball. The C, calming crystals - an approach to creating a relaxing space that I have found to work wonders, plus they are so pretty. 

How long before I feel results?

We recommend five nights in a row with a quarterly or half yearly reapplication. This totally depends on your lifestyle and how much help you need in getting restful sleep. I find if I am travelling for work if I use the beads and routine on the first night, I settle in to sleep quite nicely. Same goes for the night before a big event or work interview. We can always use that sleep for our brains and who would knock back some beauty sleep

Why do we think sleep is so important?

Sleep is the restorative period for your body and mind. How do you feel without a break or a holiday? Tired. How do you feel without sleep, worse... that's because your body needs the sleep it's not getting to start again every day. 

Sleep is necessary for mental performance, study, work, family commitments. We need it to regulate our stress levels and our metabolism. Personally, I need it to be a nice person. No jokes. 

What crystals come in my starter pack? 

Rose quartz - the stone of love, which when you need sleep you need a lot of. This crystal is also a very calming crystal and when kept close to your bed can induce calm thoughts. 

Amethyst - relieves stress and anxiety, has been used to prevent nightmares and promote a positive energy

Botswana agate pink - a protective healing crystal, used to help with grief and anxiety or for those who need a little extra tlc.  My go to crystal when I feel a bit down.